All Eagle Hill campers participate in a six period day with each activity period lasting for a little less than one hour. Within this six period day all campers participate in some athletics and swim time and make individual choices for involvement in our large Arts and Theatre programs and many smaller activity areas around camp.
Basketball, floor hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball, baseball, volleyball, golf, tennis, gymnastics, hiking, mountain biking, martial arts, gymnastics, climbing tower, bouldering wall, zip line, low adventure initiatives, swimming, boating, fishing, chess, group games, theatre, improvisation classes, dance, scenery and costume design, photography, video, cooking, guitar/keyboard instruction, crafts, ceramics/sculpture, drawing/painting, woodworking, model building, computers, nature, animals, archery, go-karts, table games (ping pong, air hockey, pool), gaga and much more….
Eagle Hill campers enjoy the best of both worlds with a daily dose of both individually selected activities and some group activity. Individually chosen activities take the form of Majors and Minors.
Major option periods are chosen at the beginning of a camp week and allow campers to specialize in an activity area and then participate in this activity over a period of four days in a row. Minor option periods allow campers each day after breakfast to choose an activity that they would like to participate in for that particular day. As children get older at Eagle Hill, they have more Majors and Minor periods in their daily program.
Group activities may take place on a one group at a time basis for smaller activities or may be done using a few groups at a time using a wider age range of campers to help create the excitement and fun of something like a camp game. Group activity provides common experiences and opportunities to pick up skills that may be age based in design. Most important, group programming allows for great relationship building, an important aspect of camp life at Eagle Hill.