Location: Elizaville, New York (ninety miles north of New York City).
Camp Population: Co-ed, ages 6-16, approximately 250 campers.
Group Size: Seven or eight campers with two counselors.
Clothing: No camp uniform is required. We do request that certain camp apparel be purchased for the summer for use on trips and intercamp tournaments. These items can be purchased from a link to our apparel supplier. An Eagle Hill clothing list can be found at this link as well or by viewing the Clothing List found in our Camp Eagle Hill Parents’ Guide. We ask that our parents supply our campers with at least ten days worth of clothing, packing clothing for both hot and cool weather as well as rainy days.
Laundry Service: We provide camp labeled laundry bags. Camper laundry is collected once each week and is sent off to a professional laundry service. Clean clothing is returned to our campers two days after pickup.
Travel to Camp: Campers travel on deluxe-chartered buses to camp from Westchester County as part of Eagle Hill’s tuition. For campers traveling from a greater distance, we can arrange transportation from the airports at Albany, New York or LaGuardia, Kennedy or Newark airports (all in the New York City area) at a small extra fee.
Medical Insurance: For visits to general medical practices, medical specialists or hospitals, we ask all families to have on file with us either a medical insurance card which covers such visits or a credit card to cover the cost of these visits.
For International Campers: We have an International Campers Expense Package fee which covers round trip transportation from any of the above mentioned airports, weekly phone calls home, two camp t-shirts, a camp laundry bag, one day laundry service and camp linens.
Communication with Campers: We have many ways for campers to keep their family updated on their summer experience. Campers may use their cell phones to call home once per week (these phones are stored in our camp office), or parents can schedule a time for their camper to call home using phones in the camp office. Parents can visit this website to both email their child at camp on a one-way basis (arranged through an outside service) as well as see photos which are posted on the website daily. We also have a Camp Visiting Day scheduled at the end of the third week of the camp season.