Camp Eagle Hill is a kids’ summer camp that is geared for campers of different ages. We provide an exciting and engaging camp experience for young campers as well as for teenage campers. Our programs include sports programs, arts and theater programs, waterfront programs and many other smaller activity areas that appeal to all ages. All activities are designed to create excitement, skill development and fun for our campers.
As a kids’ summer camp, we have many younger campers. Campers in grades 1 through 6 live within divisions as Lower Inters and Upper Inters. They benefit from our small camp groups and a high staff to camper ratio of 2 counselors for every 7 children. We have always had a large adult staff of parents, teachers and coaches who help to create the nurturing atmosphere we are known for here at Eagle Hill.
Younger campers enjoy a day that is split between group and camper selected activities. This gives our younger campers an opportunity to create bonds with others, while still being able to express their individuality in programming throughout each day. They eat their lunch as a group and enjoy some downtime after. A hot shower is provided each day before dinner and campers can enjoy free play time after dinner. Nightly snack is offered at the Eagle Hill Sweet Shop or under the stars near the bunk area. This completes the camp day and winds activities down for a relaxed bedtime routine.
Our teenage campers enjoy a different experience from the younger campers. They live separately from the younger camp and get to take advantage of a later curfew, eating co-ed dinners each day, larger and more varied weekly trip schedules and nightly visits to the Eagle Hill Sweet Shop for music, dancing, games and just “hanging out” with camp friends.
Teens at Camp Eagle Hill are able to make more individual choices in their program and select 4 out of their 6 activities each day. Two of the periods are dedicated to group activities which are geared toward physical activities that bring campers together and create common experiences.
Teen campers also take a three day trip each season to Boston or Philadelphia. They travel on air conditioned coach buses and stay in high quality hotels while enjoying a sightseeing package that is filled with fun events and interesting attractions. Finally, we offer a Seniors Program and a CIT Program for older teens who want to take on new challenges at Camp Eagle Hill.
For more information about the kids summer camp experience at Camp Eagle Hill, contact us today or book a summer camp vacation direct with us.